· Do Good Design-Summarized Points
Creating to cater to yourself; how does the
project affect you?
Designers have so much power they don’t even
know about.
We made the world what it is today, we have
literally designed everything nonorganic in the world.
“Never doubt that a few individuals can change
the world, in fact only they ever have.” –Margaret Mead
Universities are natural incubators
Its cheaper to stretch an existing brand, than
to invent a new product.
Graphic design has become more important than
the brand or product itself.
Utility vs sex and design
Mini vans (Women) vs Sports cars (Men)
Imagine a world that the biggest ads promote the
best behavior. Not Likely.
Branding matters more than the actual product.
Companies are switching products, ex tobacco to
greeting cards.
Not as obvious for us to recognize visual lies
as words.
Less laws exist to control visual lies.
The subconscious reacts to images.
You cannot ignore images-web advertisements,
billboards, etc.
Volume of ads meant to wear us down, it is hard
for us to filter them because of the speed and frequency.
A company recalled a catalogue because the
models used were too skinny. They did not reprint to be environmentally conscious.
Companies will make more profit in the long run
by being honest and not lying.
You are seeking the wrong audience if you need
to lie to sell a product.
An employee that is uncomfortable with the
ethics of a project can decline the assignment without being fired.
Sustaining our environment is the most
challenging part of designing a better civilization.
The process has as much impact as the product
Pens used to cost $120, now we sell 14,000,000
per day worldwide (that’s 1 pen/person/year on earth).
Those pens are in a landfill, 13% of BIC’s
hazardous waste and 29% of nonhazardous waste ends up in landfills.
Printing industry is the third largest waste
producer on earth.
Almost half of mailed material is trashed
without being opened.
What is not influx are these three points of
good news:
Sustainable design practices will, on balance,
save money for both you and your clients.
Sustainable design practices won’t take any more
time than what you do now, once you are familiar with them.
You don’t have to try it all at once, try one
thing and keep adding.
TBL- people, planet, profit.
Organizational change-starts with one person
We shouldn’t have any less fun, but our skills
could be used in nobler ways.
A designer accepts professional responsibility to
act in the best in ecology and of the natural environment.
Society of graphic designers-professionalism
includes a commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
Other countries around the world have adopted
the code as well.
In Canada graphic design is a profession with an
Good design enables, bad design disables.
Truly inclusive design isn’t just a moral
imperative. The majority of humans, at one point in their lives, will have some
significant disability. Thus, from information technology, to packaging, to
tourism, designing for all is not just kind, its good business.
The internet is liberating.
Designers are cultural agents.
“in 2000,the world still looked fairly benign. Since
then the triple punch of psychological, geopolitical and environmental upheaval
is causing designers to wake up.”
It took less than 15 years for recycling paper
to become a norm.
90% of Europe’s top companies now publish
corporate responsibility reports.
Shopping tips for agents of social change:
rethink, avoid disposables, avoid bottled water, give ideas as presents,
entertain simply, vote informed, plan carefully, buy products that tell the
truth, lead by example.
Some pursue design as an exercise in aesthetic. Surrounding
oneself with nice things can create a fulfilling life. However, it is only the
surface of one potential.
Personal values+public code of
conduct=professional ethics.
Not saying to not make money.
The time is now.
Over 95% of designers that have ever lived are
alive today.
The do good pledge:
I will be true to my profession
I will be true to myself
I will spend at least 10% of my professional time
helping repair the world.
Strive to surround yourself with only well
designed, reusable, sustainable product and practices.
Tips for buying sustainable design:
Insist that every project starts with a written
strategy including TBL
Choose designers that have committed to public
standards and social reasonability and will keep you informed on what’s new.
Plan products that will be designed to last.
Consider solutions that start with eco-friendly
materials (local, ethical suppliers), that reuse existing things, or that
result in things that can be reused.
Offset any unavoidable carbon footprint.
If you cant make a promise about your product
that you would tell to your children, then redesign the product.
Tell the world about your progress.
Don’t just do good work, do good.
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